minecraft how to stop creepers from destroying blocks. 8) Tnt minecart minecraftAndroid 用の tnt mod for minecraft pe apk をダウンロード. minecraft how to stop creepers from destroying blocks

8) Tnt minecart minecraftAndroid 用の tnt mod for minecraft pe apk をダウンロードminecraft how to stop creepers from destroying blocks  Creepers are known for sneaking behind players and blowing up houses

13. Minecraft has many mobs that can harm players, but none are capable of wreaking the kind of havoc and destruction that a Creeper can deal with a single kamikaze blast. And multiple times I come out of my house in the morning to find creepers in 3 different directions. As soon as the Creeper is back within 3 blocks, strike as quickly as possible and back away again. Try going 115 blocks above the bottom module where creepers spawn, this should keep anything else from spawning outside of the modules due to the 120 block spawning sphere. Doing so will ensure creepers are unable to access your main base as long as the fence o…How to stop Creepers and Endermen from breaking blocks in Minecraft Head over to your server Console or enter into your Minecraft Server. If the variety of Minecraft mob spawners feels limited in the survival mode, you can get custom spawners using this command: /setblock ~ ~-1 ~ spawner {SpawnData: {entity: {id:wolf}},Delay:299} replace. 2. Sheep eating grass (sheep will still regrow their wool, but the block will not change from a grass to a dirt block) Villagers harvesting/replanting farmland; Dragon destroying blocks; Wither explosions destroying blocks (both initial explosion and witherskull projectile) Creeper explosions destroying blocks; Endermen picking up blocks If you have mobGriefing off, you can spawn in a creeper at that location. essentials. Note that even transparent blocks like glass, glass panes, etc. Swords are one of the strongest weapons in the game, and it is the best way to kill a creeper in the little time given before it explodes. 18. if they can still kill you with maximum enchantments on full health, individually, then that makes them useless. Thats it! From now on, every creeper will be teleported into the bedrock, where it will suffocate. a command teleporting you away from the space), on Java, you'd have to either use an external editor, or if you know the location (X,Y,Z coordinates) you can use "/fill x y z x y z air" to destroy it. Our Colony Protection System (once a Town Hall is placed) can be toggled in the config file. 5 seconds for them to detonate upon count down. Creeper no Break Blocks. They’ll still blow up, but they won’t destroy your lovely houses! Please like and s. In regular gameplay, silverfish blocks occur rarely. It is necessary that players could blow up creepers (and destroy blocks with them) inside foreign regions. Clone the area you want to protect to another location. ENJOY THE DATAPACK. This time I stood far away, and it looked fantastic btw, and after the explosion, 75% of the obsidian wall was destroyed. hello! i'm trying to disable creepers from destroying blocks on my realms server. Intending to fulfill all player demands, Minecraft 1. Pretty simple change. ago. you could make it so players cant break the area in it with 2 command blocks on a fast timer /gamemode 2 @a[r=how big the area is] /gamemode 0 @a[rm=one more than the last command,r=two three or four more than the number before this one]Make the Gap at the bottom two blocks tall and put a slap at the top so it a 1. The easiest way to do this is just to not provoke the creepers. But the most significant addition of this update. but with this amazing plugin i can just do: /nmg creeper disable /nmg tnt disable /nmg wither disableDescription. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. protect: # Protect all signs signs: true # Prevent users from destroying rails rails: true # Blocks below rails/signs are also protected if the respective rail/sign is protected. It also prevents mobs from picking up stuff. With that they should have their very own Iron Golem to protect. Actually, I hadn't thought of just making it to where they. I want it so that they do not blow up and destroy or kill things. Thunderstorms are a very dangerous weather condition. My suggestion is to change the mobGriefing and add setExplosionDestruction variables into /gamerule command. The following happens after disabling mob griefing: Creepers explode but do not break blocks. /effect @a 4 1000000 5. . hope you guys can help. Explode them (items will be destroyed if they are in the radius of a TNT or creeper explosion) Just throw them on the ground and forget about them and they'll despawn after 5 minutes. e. (Late edit: couldn’t find a mod so I redid the mod i made with a more reliable way that i found later. is there any way to keep this from happening? Thanks! This thread is archived. So firstly I. However. Definitely didn't assume anything. 17/1. It didn’t spawn down there, it fell. noodle1988 • 9 yr. Deselect this box, and then click “Apply. For your final question (So, what command. Flying Squid Milk. Another help could be bombfire or at least I think it is a command- I also knew a server - the main mob were creepers. /entitydata @e [type=Creeper] {ExplosionRadius:0} Share. It's not really a bug, but more of a clipping issue. Both blocks and entities are damaged, but in different and separate ways. . 16. But since you've posted this on Admincraft, it's assumable that you have a server. No, we don't want to turn off mob greifing, thanks though. People. I have this weird problem on my server where creepers do explode, and damage the player, but the blocks are not damaged. 2, 1. 7. Zombies are common undead hostile mobs that deal melee damage and commonly attack in groups. The Explosion’t mod works by rebuilding any block that gets removed due to fire or explosion. Replaces all loot tables, which preserves natural explosion shape and compatibility with explosions of all kinds. 5 gunpowder. The problem. It takes 1. 5: The amount of speed applied to the player when knocked back: enderman. There is a glitch where sometimes the creeper will suddenly stop chasing the player, and start walking around in circles, oblivious to the player. A creeper who has spotted a player inside of 16 blocks would then creep up on that player until the separation between them is only a few blocks. How could this possibly stop a mobfarm from working? Is there a new farm concept that I'm not aware. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 7 months ago Modified 2 years ago Viewed 1k times 2 I have built a structure in creative mode that is filled with creepers. This humble passive mob is the source of several bug-based Minecraft memes. Next, we need to set up a fill clock. 5 seconds (30 ticks), destroying (and dropping as items) blocks in the area as well as significantly. Disabling these explosions entirely can protect your servers from griefers and creepers. 7 I summoned a creeper with an explosion power of 100, which would normally deal thousands of points of damage point-blank and be deadly dozens of blocks away, and it blew up right next to me yet I took barely any damage with no armor as it was in tall grass). You could put this on a command block loop to disable creeper explosions. Mobs picking up dropped items (zombies, villagers, etc. The. The player will still take damage, and other creeper explosion effects will still apply. x which adds eight new gamerules: creeperGriefing, creeperFire, ghastGriefing, ghastFire, endermanGriefing, witherGriefing, witherSpawnFire, and witherSkullFire, which allows you to specifically toggle creeper, ghast, enderman, and wither mob griefing when. First, players can head over to any village and tame a cat. 20. but the fire still not spread. Just to be safe, place some light sources on the ocean floor, this will stop any drowned from spawning and messing with spawn rates. Maybe fill it with lava. For example, a TNT explosion can destroy a torch 7 blocks away…. Then let the TNT explode in peace, and it's patched! It may not be seamless but its the best I could come up with. Anyway, That means when TNT block is gone, you can do when the Block is gone to do: /kill @e[type=PrimedTnt] and summon a Creeper allready Activated with no Fuse At the Block. all teh XYcraft blocks are reistent. 1 Answer Sorted by: 8 You can set /gamerule mobGriefing false. . Creepers are a core part of Minecraft, but sometimes we don't want them blowing up the redstone contraption we've put DAYS into, or destroying that house you spent WEEKS designing. 1. The Back of the house. 1. It destroyed let's say, 30 blocks of dirt. Creeper no explosion. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Check out the vanilla tweaks data packs, some of which are used by Hermitcraft. With these settings, creepers only destroy blocks if it was caused by a participant or the owner of the region. Hello fellow Minecrafters! I have a question. Creepers are terrified of cats and will steer clear of them at any opportunity, including your house. A Bee-themed modpack that starts off as vanilla+ till you delve into bees and discover a whole world of content. When trapdoors are placed on a 2 block high ceiling, it lowers the height to 1 13 ⁄ 16 blocks high. There are gamerules that change all mobgriefing. I suggest, instead of creating just a lava pit, you can funnel mobs into a custom-built mob grinder so you can get their experience. After selecting the world, browse “More Options” and click on “Game Options”. You can you redstone/carpet/any other non full block / transparent block to stop them from spawning! You can make the maze underwater or just add water to it because then mobs wont spawn and also it will give it a. Hope this helps. The mob griefing will stop the mobs griefing the land, for example creepers exploding blocks or withers destroying blocks. 1. ”. creepers do 50 points of damage in the center of their explosion (compared to tnt's 60). build essentials. mobGriefing's range of effect should now exclude any mob/entity explosions, while it toggles other block-changing behaviors of mobs/entities (ex. 18. Also, be aware that creepers can detect you and start their fuse from one block away, even if there is a low wall or fence keeping them away. 4 yr. region flag __global__ tnt <allow|deny>. The side of the house. #1. And the creepers did not explode. The most common and useful tweak is probably the one where all the blocks destroyed by Creeper explosions will always drop as items. But the most significant addition of this update. Sorted by: 1. 0. You can walk in at angles of up to 45 degrees. This sets all creepers it finds to not destroy blocks by setting their explosion radius to 0. Like everything else, fire is a block (even if it doesn't look like it). Add a comment. However, most data packs that cause Creepers to not damage their surroundings also removes all damage that they deal to players from their explosions. 10. There should be an option to stop creepers breaking blocks when exploding. build Allows people to build when using permission systems which don't support build toggles. 2- Join your server, then go to the world you want to disable Creeper explosions & TNT on, then run the command you want to use from the list below. The Explosion’t mod works by rebuilding any block that gets removed due to fire or explosion. If you want to know how to avoid creepe. Most of you can figure it out on your own, but incase not here is command to turn off creeper explosions in 1. When this happens, the blocks drop nothing and get rebuilt after a chosen delay, at a chosen speed. More info. This plugin also allows a server admin, to turn off Skeleton Horse spawns, Creeper griefing, and Wandering trader spawns. This is a very simple mod that you can use in single player or a server that will disable the ability of creepers to break blocks when they explode. How can I start minecraft from a different folder via . For MC 1. – MrLemon. by ralph950412. Having iron golems patrol the village after nightfall will help keep the zombies at bay. 1. Head over to your server Console or enter into your Minecraft Server. Check Details. If I leave those chunks and come back, the snow reappears. Dig the main channel. . The Mining Fatigue status effect at level 5 will completely prevent breaking blocks. The Second Floor but from the storage area. If the water pushes the creepers to a drop I'm thinking you could make the walls out of cactus so the spiders are killed if they hang on to them. Best way to use a minecart with tnt in minecraft 1. Dig a moat. An explosion is a physical event, generally destructive, that can be caused by several different circumstances. All the others solution cancel the creeper’s explosion it self. To prevent mobs from altering the landscape or pilfering blocks, you need to run a single command: /gamerule mobGriefing false. Maybe we could partially implement that idea for natural blocks such as dirt where it is indeed an annoying block to farm renewably and a Creeper seriously risks destroying part of your landscape without you being able to. The best way i thought of is checking all locations of blocks that get damaged, if one of the locations is within the region, cancel the all explode. You'll need two command blocks in a column with an air block separating them. - Allow players to be damaged by creepers even though block damage is disabled. 41. I might be able to figure something out if you want, but that's the best I have ATM. BlockExplodeEvent will only fire on bed explodes (when nether). On my multiplayer server some players don't like that zombies and other NPCs are stealing their dropped items. In this Minecraft Creeper guide, we will teach. It's pretty clear there's an intentional design choice going on here (100% drop rate with tnt is meant to be a positive consequence from using tnt, while a creeper exploding and destroying a percentage of the. answered Jun 22, 2015 at 5:06. This is actually the better solution. However, they can be a good challenge for a well-established player. For example, if one were to blow up in your house, the blocks you placed to make your house would drop every block placed by a player, but naturally generated blocks not placed by a player would still drop as they used to do. I get it, having your blocks destroyed by any unwanted means is annoying, but like you said creepers aren’t really that hard to deal with in general, and destroying a few blocks is what makes them ’a better mob’. thanks. Follow. About. config. Unlike the traditional Minecraft experience where creepers destroy blocks upon detonation, this mod aims to provide players with more control over the destructive capabilities of these iconic. It is really annoying when I'm building something in survival and a creeper will. execute as u@e[type=creeper] run data modify entity u@s ExplosionRadius set value 0 But from what I understand it also disables damage to players. if something is preventing you from accessing the area (i. Nice, I'll check that out. Otherwise, you can do it directly in the comments section. exe. 4 sand blocks / red sand blocks. Web mob griefing occurs when a player deliberately hinders the progress of another player. I want them to be damaged though, and I can't figure out what plugin is causing this. I might be able to figure something out if you want, but that's the best I have ATM. It's pretty clear there's an intentional design choice going on here (100% drop rate with tnt is meant to be a positive consequence from using tnt, while a creeper exploding and destroying a percentage of the. When struck by lightning, a creeper becomes a charged creeper, which amplifies its explosion power and enables mob heads to be obtained from piglins‌, zombies, skeletons and other creepers it kills. I have a villager breeder that requires villagers to harvest crops to breed. 1. A diamond shovel might be fast enough to dig a small pit. This plugin is so good, for example sometimes i use "/gamerule mobGriefing false" to disable creeper destroying blocks, but that command also make villagers unable to take bread thus they can't breed, or enderman unable to take dirt blocks. Even had you used the right event, that's not a good idea anyway as written as it would also stop creepers from damaging things and other unrelated to TNT. I already know the /gamerule mobGriefing false command butt that only disables creepers from exploding. for spawning the creeper, i would use /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0s} at the location of the boss3) Use cats. It can also be set to either stop outputting a signal when. You’d have to look through it but if it’s not there, then you’re gonna need an alternative like creepers. In Bedrock Edition, this mechanic may not. Due to its. But they are making numerous holes in the landscape that are unsightly and have to be jumped over/run around in the future (Somehow I don't have enough blocks left after they explode to begin to fill the holes they leave). As of Minecraft version 1. Anyway, That means when TNT block is gone, you can do when the Block is gone to do: /kill @e[type=PrimedTnt] and summon a Creeper allready Activated with no Fuse At the. Overview. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. answered Jun 22, 2015 at 5:06. for spawning the creeper, i would use /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0s} at the location of the boss 3) Use cats. Meaning that most creeper blasts will be stopped. TNT and Creeper explosions can quickly damage a world. *Make sure to set a ticking area on the command bloc. knockback. 41. The grinder works through blocks, and also works in a 3 heigh radius, so you could lower it one block and encase it both at the front and top into obsidian, which should stop the blast. 2k 66 192 312. I try to have a. You can see what all the available effects are on the Effect list. The protection turns all explosions off (by default), so creepers, TNT, and any modded blocks won’t destroy your colony. Drop them into a small pit with a 1/2 block clearance to swing a looting 3 sword. blockList(). To not be destroyed, a block has to absorb all blast force at the first checkpoint in it. This does stop them from blowing up blocks, but there is no damage. 20. Creeper. This is the default value. Thank you! SkullDaisyGimp. i can't use mods because again: realms server. Scroll down to “Host Privileges. Explosion't. I think you can just change the mob griefing game rule to false and achieve the same effect. SinglePlayer : As Gilbert V stated, you can use /gamerule mobGriefing. Its when you are 1/2 paying attention and walk around a new corner in a cave and one is right in your face and you have a pick out that they tend to ruin your day. I tried searching online but most of the reason this occurs is if the spawning platform is less than 24 blocks or mob proofing is not done, however, this is not the case for me. The side of the house. It should be observed that creepers prefer to go to a player’s right. After every hit, you should also back off, keeping the distance more than 3 blocks. To stop creepers, ghasts and other mobs from modifying blocks: gamerule mobGriefing false. On my regular server, I had to edit in the minecraft. The creeper also kills the other mobs which means I don't get the xp from the mobs the creeper killed. 0. 2+: and create a thread in the dedicated channel for data pack issues. Mobs running into the wall stand in the flames, while those that make it over the wall must pass through flames on the way. . By using a mixture of commands and a plugin for Java you can have your server safe with. Carpet has the same visual thickness as a pressure plate. i need know how to prevent dont destroy a especific block in a explotion. There are several different types of mob griefing that can occur in a game of Minecraft. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight:. Went off with a Sisser, it is a dutch saying when something that goes off but does nothing. 1. To kill all creepers within 10 blocks: JE: kill @e[distance=. When TNT is a block at first, but when redstone or Fire is in contact whit the TNT, It gets removed and summons a PrimedTnt or tnt in 1. If set to false, TNT explosions are disabled in your Minecraft worlds. HELP! Hello, I’m new to Minecraft and have been playing for about a week. ( --> ) The cart will crush on the block on the top, and fall on the normal rail. You will need to deflect or destroy Shulker bullets. Business, Economics, and Finance. 2 (charged creepers), 15. ago. Whether you’re after rare loot, XP, or just an epic battle, these beasties will give you a run for your money. Even my regular house, my permanent fancy looking one, is at least 15 blocks tall, but I use buttons and half slabs to spawn proof my rooftopsThe first step to stop mobs from spawning in Minecraft is to use light sources such as torches, glowstone, or lamps and eliminate all dark areas. You just need to mob proof your island typical vanilla ways (except water, mobs spawn in water). creeper. Solved Warning: TNT will not destroy blocks above sea level. a command block repeating, unconditional, always active; /execute @e [type=tnt] ~~~ effect @a [r=10] instant_damage 1 255. Drop in plugin to stop creepers from destroying blocks when they go boom. ago. Creeper no Break Blocks Mod (1. How to stop tnt and creepers exploding on your Java or Bedrock server. Sports. They also won't hurt you. The count parameter of 1 is required to do this, as you can only have a single target when using the /tp command in this manner. setBlockState(this. Place this in a command block and run it on a clock. The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to stop griefing from Endermen, Ghasts, and Creepers without messing with villager cr. • 7 yr. And the tntexplodes command, when set to false. Agree, but only works with player placed blocks. That won't work, BlockExplodeEvent won't catch TNT players set off. This thickness prevents mob spawning . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Well, it seems creeper spawn…Creepers and withers only destroy blocks when triggered by players. Make a pit trap. 1, 1. Our guide to the Minecraft Creeper has information on how to kill them,. /enchant: The enchant command can be used on any enchantable item you're holding. Yes, and the Wither too. 1. if something is preventing you from accessing the area (i. How would I make a creeper explode without damaging the blocks around it and only the player! Advertisement Coins. json and disabling the trigger in the section minecraft:target_nearby_sensor (which would still allow you to detonate them manually with flint and tinder if you so choose. Using commands, players can stop mobs from affecting their creations. e. plugins that disable fire spread is worldguard plugins. Drop in plugin to stop creepers from destroying blocks when they go boom. A button can be made from wood planks, and you can place one in each side of a full block to toggle redstone power. *Make sure to set a ticking area on the command bloc. 0. Creepers keep blowing up my house. 1 - One always involves setting off dynamites. This is a small Minecraft Forge mod that provides some utilities for explosions. Maybe we could partially implement that idea for natural blocks such as dirt where it is indeed an annoying block to farm renewably and a Creeper seriously risks destroying part of your landscape without you being able to. Both the non-cube block and the water source block occupy the same space. Have this lead to a pit 23 blocks deep, with ladders on the opposite wall. Make that trigger somehow at the beginning of your map, or on a slow timer. I was also aware of a plugin you can get to stop the Creepers blowing up, so you need to add a plug in, and you will probably be done!Step 2: Add a conditional repeating command block in front of the first one with a command of. Alternatively if you still want to see them, you can stop them starting to explode normally by modifying the file entities/creeper. [beehive]]s and similar blocks, or repeat a signal without changing its strength. A flag to prevent enderman griefing is coming in the next update. /nmg - Basic command that shows info about the plugin and shows all commands that a player has permission for. 14. I know you can get gravel from cobble when they blow it up. With full diamond armour it isn't supposed to happen on full health. also on my server we have enhanced explosions which sets off multiple explosions at once (used to not cause a problem now suddenly it is destroying everything that is blown up, even the drops, even player drops if people die) need a way to prevent dropped items from getting blown up, if it also protects them from burning, or melting in. A new creeper then comes out of another doorway to the left and dies. It can destroy nearby blocks, propel and damage nearby players, entities, and their armor, and cause one or more fires under correct circumstances. 8) Tnt minecart minecraftAndroid 用の tnt mod for minecraft pe apk をダウンロード. The worst swords to use are Gold and Wooden. • 3 yr. Wolves spawn naturally above grass blocks, dirt, coarse dirt, snow blocks or podzol in forests, taigas, groves, old growth taigas, and snowy taigas, along with all variants of these biomes (with the exception of flower forests), in packs of 4, where 10% spawn as. Found the internet!. Videos. that mod would be cool, so we need tools to break a block >:D but we should still be able to break wood by hand (this is vital) and maybe to make it a bit more realistic hurt player when they break wood block (it hurts ur hand) and maybe try an external trigger like: when player (or entity) leftclicks (or breaks) block. - Customizable explosion range. Basically, I just want to add a few plugins like lwc, dynmap, and essentials. 1. They keep destroying my builds. and/or configure a height below which it is allowed, or alternatively above which it is allowed. The base and/or top of walls can be lined with the burning block. EDIT: I found a solution! This sets all creepers it finds to not destroy blocks by setting their explosion radius to 0. This’ll prevent certain mobs from breaking your blocks. ago. So that's 1640 blocks of tnt that broke about 30 blocks of obsidian. Minecraft Tutorial Playlist video will show you how to stop creepers from destroying blocks WIT. You can also use a lever, which is a wooden stick placed in the center of the crafting grid and a cobblestone block. Friendly-ish Creepers. Soul campfires deal more damage than normal campfires. Minecraft has many mobs that can harm players, but none are capable of wreaking the kind of havoc and destruction that a Creeper can deal with a single kamikaze blast. I’ve got it turned off for “creeper” reasons on my family world (ie my son dragging creepers into our base) and we found the ender dragon didn’t destroy and neither does the wither. There are gamerules that change all mobgriefing. Type /gamerule mobGriefing false in the chat console. Do the usual install (unpack, restart, let it create files) Look for "*-block-damage" in WorldGuard/config. I would like to keep creepers, but it seems to do this I would have to build every thing out of obsidian and bedrock so the creeper explosions don't ruin my paths and rooms! Creepers will destroy any block they come into contact with while zombies will attack both players and animals if they get close enough. Instead of doing that, players can use cats to keep creepers away. Their explosions still do damage so they remain a threat to you but not to your builds. Blow up a Creeper and see how many blocks you collect; Do the same thing with a TNT;. x, 1. However, if you are primed TNT and it detonates outside the water, it will destroy blocks that are submerged. It still hurts the player, TNT and other explosions also still work as. ; To obtain allay s, which are extremely useful for item collection and sorting. • 7 yr. Some of the most popular alternatives are obsidian, iron blocks, coal blocks, and deep slate. And the tntexplodes command, when set to false will not let tnt explode to cause damage to blocks. How do you stop TNT from destroying blocks? To do you need a Repeating Command Block At First to test Air at the TNT’s Location, a Comparator at the command block to say if it works, Repetors to make the Delay of the TNT (make sure it ends before the TNT explodes), a Impulse Command block whit the TNT kill command. A campfire is a block that can be used to cook food, pacify bees, act as a spread-proof light source, smoke signal or damaging trap block. Colony Protection System. Our Java game used the following command which worked nicely. Creepers wouldn’t be those feared emblematic Minecraft bastards anymore if they didn’t make you lose any of the blocks. 17. 18. They then need. knockback. creeper. disable_block_breaking: true: Disable Ravager breaking. According to the Minecraft wiki article on explosion, entities (including you the player) will always get at least 1 point (half-heart) damage if they are within blast radius (TNT: 8, creepers: 6, fireballs: 2), regardless of explosion. setCancelled(true); } Try this. Home Forums Spigot Spigot Plugin Help. Two come out of the hallway behind the zombie in the beginning. Here, you need to check the box labelled “Mob Griefing. Another way to stop TNT from destroying blocks in your Minecraft game is to build a button in your crafting grid. CryptoIf a creeper explodes and. 4, 1. 19 update has officially been released for all platforms, and it is already highly celebrated within the community. 2) prevents the explosion of a creeper from damaging the surrounding area. If a fire has no flammable blocks adjacent to it, it. A cactus is placed on the side, on top of a sand block, where spiders run into it. After allowing cheats, follow these steps to. And if you are just worried about creepers destroying blocks, you can make it so.